53 research outputs found

    Multivariate Polynomials in Sage

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    We have developed a patch implementing multivariate polynomials seen as a multi-base algebra. The patch is to be released into the software Sage and can already be found within the Sage-Combinat distribution. One can use our patch to define a polynomial in a set of indexed variables and expand it into a linear basis of the multivariate polynomials. So far, we have the Schubert polynomials, the Key polynomials of types A, B, C, or D, the Grothendieck polynomials and the non-symmetric Macdonald polynomials. One can also use a double set of variables and work with specific double-linear bases like the double Schubert polynomials or double Grothendieck polynomials. Our implementation is based on a definition of the basis using divided difference operators and one can also define new bases using these operators.Comment: 18 page


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    We introduce permutrees, a unified model for permutations, binary trees, Cambrian trees and binary sequences. On the combinatorial side, we study the rotation lattices on permutrees and their lattice homomorphisms, unifying the weak order, Tamari, Cambrian and boolean lattices and the classical maps between them. On the geometric side, we provide both the vertex and facet descriptions of a polytope realizing the rotation lattice, specializing to the permutahedron, the associahedra, and certain graphical zonotopes. On the algebraic side, we construct a Hopf algebra on permutrees containing the known Hopf algebraic structures on permutations, binary trees, Cambrian trees, and binary sequences.Comment: 43 pages, 25 figures; Version 2: minor correction

    Counting smaller elements in the Tamari and m-Tamari lattices

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    We introduce new combinatorial objects, the interval- posets, that encode intervals of the Tamari lattice. We then find a combinatorial interpretation of the bilinear operator that appears in the functional equation of Tamari intervals described by Chapoton. Thus, we retrieve this functional equation and prove that the polynomial recursively computed from the bilinear operator on each tree T counts the number of trees smaller than T in the Tamari order. Then we show that a similar m + 1-linear operator is also used in the functionnal equation of m-Tamari intervals. We explain how the m-Tamari lattices can be interpreted in terms of m+1-ary trees or a certain class of binary trees. We then use the interval-posets to recover the functional equation of m-Tamari intervals and to prove a generalized formula that counts the number of elements smaller than or equal to a given tree in the m-Tamari lattice.Comment: 46 pages + 3 pages of code appendix, 27 figures. Long version of arXiv:1212.0751. To appear in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series

    Two bijections on Tamari intervals

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    We use a recently introduced combinatorial object, the interval-poset, to describe two bijections on intervals of the Tamari lattice. Both bijections give a combinatorial proof of some previously known results. The first one is an inner bijection between Tamari intervals that exchanges the initial rise and lower contacts statistics. Those were introduced by Bousquet-M\'elou, Fusy, and Pr\'eville-Ratelle who proved they were symmetrically distributed but had no combinatorial explanation. The second bijection sends a Tamari interval to a closed flow of an ordered forest. These combinatorial objects were studied by Chapoton in the context of the Pre-Lie operad and the connection with the Tamari order was still unclear.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    A lattice on decreasing trees : the metasylvester lattice

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    International audienceWe introduce a new combinatorial structure: the metasylvester lattice on decreasing trees. It appears in the context of the mm-Tamari lattices and other related mm-generalizations. The metasylvester congruence has been recently introduced by Novelli and Thibon. We show that it defines a sublattice of the mm-permutations where elements can be represented by decreasing labelled trees: the metasylvester lattice. We study the combinatorial properties of this new structure. In particular, we give different realizations of the lattice. The mm-Tamari lattice is by definition a sublattice of our newly defined metasylvester lattice. It leads us to a new realization of the mm-Tamari lattice, using certain chains of the classical Tamari lattice.Nous définissons une nouvelle structure combinatoire : le treillis métasylvestre sur les arbres décroissants. Il apparaît dans le contexte des treillis mm-Tamari et des autres mm-généralisations. La congruence métasylvestre a été introduite récemment par Novelli et Thibon. Nous montrons qu’elle définit un sous-treillis du treillis sur les mm-permutations où les éléments sont représentés par des arbres étiquetés décroissants : le treillis métasylvestre. Nous étudions les propriétés combinatoires de ce treillis ainsi que des classes métasylvestres. En particulier, nous en donnons plusieurs réalisations. Le treillis de mm-Tamari est par définition un sous-treillis du treillis métasylvestre. Cela nous amène à une nouvelle réalisation du treillis demm-Tamari par des chaines du treillis de Tamari classiques

    Combinatorics of the Permutahedra, Associahedra, and Friends

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    I present an overview of the research I have conducted for the past ten years in algebraic, bijective, enumerative, and geometric combinatorics. The two main objects I have studied are the permutahedron and the associahedron as well as the two partial orders they are related to: the weak order on permutations and the Tamari lattice. This document contains a general introduction (Chapters 1 and 2) on those objects which requires very little previous knowledge and should be accessible to non-specialist such as master students. Chapters 3 to 8 present the research I have conducted and its general context. You will find: * a presentation of the current knowledge on Tamari interval and a precise description of the family of Tamari interval-posets which I have introduced along with the rise-contact involution to prove the symmetry of the rises and the contacts in Tamari intervals; * my most recent results concerning q, t-enumeration of Catalan objects and Tamari intervals in relation with triangular partitions; * the descriptions of the integer poset lattice and integer poset Hopf algebra and their relations to well known structures in algebraic combinatorics; * the construction of the permutree lattice, the permutree Hopf algebra and permutreehedron; * the construction of the s-weak order and s-permutahedron along with the s-Tamari lattice and s-associahedron. Chapter 9 is dedicated to the experimental method in combinatorics research especially related to the SageMath software. Chapter 10 describes the outreach efforts I have participated in and some of my approach towards mathematical knowledge and inclusion.Comment: 163 pages, m\'emoire d'Habilitation \`a diriger des Recherche

    Interval structure of the Pieri formula for Grothendieck polynomials

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    We give a combinatorial interpretation of a Pieri formula for double Grothendieck polynomials in terms of an interval of the Bruhat order. Another description had been given by Lenart and Postnikov in terms of chain enumerations. We use Lascoux's interpretation of a product of Grothendieck polynomials as a product of two kinds of generators of the 0-Hecke algebra, or sorting operators. In this way we obtain a direct proof of the result of Lenart and Postnikov and then prove that the set of permutations occuring in the result is actually an interval of the Bruhat order.Comment: 27 page

    Combinatoire algébrique liée aux ordres sur les permutations

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    Cette thèse se situe dans le domaine de la combinatoire algébrique et porte sur l'étude et les applications de trois ordres sur les permutations : les deux ordres faibles (gauche et droit) et l'ordre fort ou de Bruhat. Dans un premier temps, nous étudions l'action du groupe symétrique sur les polynômes multivariés. En particulier, les opérateurs de emph{différences divisées} permettent de définir des bases de l'anneau des polynômes qui généralisent les fonctions de Schur aussi bien du point de vue de leur construction que de leur interprétation géométrique. Nous étudions plus particulièrement la base des polynômes de Grothendieck introduite par Lascoux et Schützenberger. Lascoux a montré qu'un certain produit de polynômes peut s'interpréter comme un produit d'opérateurs de différences divisées. En développant ce produit, nous ré-obtenons un résultat de Lenart et Postnikov et prouvons de plus que le produit s'interprète comme une somme sur un intervalle de l'ordre de Bruhat. Nous présentons aussi l'implantation que nous avons réalisée sur Sage des polynômes multivariés. Cette implantation permet de travailler formellement dans différentes bases et d'effecteur des changements de bases. Elle utilise l'action des différences divisées sur les vecteurs d'exposants des polynômes multivariés. Les bases implantées contiennent en particulier les polynômes de Schubert, les polynômes de Grothendieck et les polynômes clés (ou caractères de Demazure).Dans un second temps, nous étudions le emph{treillis de Tamari} sur les arbres binaires. Celui-ci s'obtient comme un quotient de l'ordre faible sur les permutations : à chaque arbre est associé un intervalle de l'ordre faible formé par ses extensions linéaires. Nous montrons qu'un objet plus général, les intervalles-posets, permet de représenter l'ensemble des intervalles du treillis de Tamari. Grâce à ces objets, nous obtenons une formule récursive donnant pour chaque arbre binaire le nombre d'arbres plus petits ou égaux dans le treillis de Tamari. Nous donnons aussi une nouvelle preuve que la fonction génératrice des intervalles de Tamari vérifie une certaine équation fonctionnelle décrite par Chapoton. Enfin, nous généralisons ces résultats aux treillis de mm-Tamari. Cette famille de treillis introduite par Bergeron et Préville-Ratelle était décrite uniquement sur les chemins. Nous en donnons une interprétation sur une famille d'arbres binaires en bijection avec les arbres m+1m+1-aires. Nous utilisons cette description pour généraliser les résultats obtenus dans le cas du treillis de Tamari classique. Ainsi, nous obtenons une formule comptant le nombre d'éléments plus petits ou égaux qu'un élément donné ainsi qu'une nouvelle preuve de l'équation fonctionnelle des intervalles de mm-Tamari. Pour finir, nous décrivons des structures algébriques mm qui généralisent les algèbres de Hopf FQSymFQSym et PBTPBT sur les permutations et les arbres binairesThis thesis comes within the scope of algebraic combinatorics and studies problems related to three orders on permutations: the two said weak orders (right and left) and the strong order or Bruhat order.We first look at the action of the symmetric group on multivariate polynomials. By using the emph{divided differences} operators, one can obtain some generalisations of the Schur function and form bases of non symmetric multivariate polynomials. This construction is similar to the one of Schur functions and also allows for geometric interpretations. We study more specifically the Grothendieck polynomials which were introduced by Lascoux and Schützenberger. Lascoux proved that a product of these polynomials can be interpreted in terms of a product of divided differences. By developing this product, we reobtain a result of Lenart and Postnikov and also prove that it can be interpreted as a sum over an interval of the Bruhat order. We also present our implementation of multivariate polynomials in Sage. This program allows for formal computation on different bases and also implements many changes of bases. It is based on the action of the divided differences operators. The bases include Schubert polynomials, Grothendieck polynomials and Key polynomials. In a second part, we study the emph{Tamari lattice} on binary trees. This lattice can be obtained as a quotient of the weak order. Each tree is associated with the interval of its linear extensions. We introduce a new object called, emph{interval-posets} of Tamari and show that they are in bijection with the intervals of the Tamari lattice. Using these objects, we give the recursive formula counting the number of elements smaller than or equal to a given tree. We also give a new proof that the generating function of the intervals of the Tamari lattice satisfies some functional equation given by Chapoton. Our final contributions deals with the mm-Tamari lattices. This family of lattices is a generalization of the classical Tamari lattice. It was introduced by Bergeron and Préville-Ratelle and was only known in terms of paths. We give the description of this order in terms of some family of binary trees, in bijection with m+1m+1-ary trees. Thus, we generalize our previous results and obtain a recursive formula counting the number of elements smaller than or equal to a given one and a new proof of the functional equation. We finish with the description of some new "m""m" Hopf algebras which are generalizations of the known FQSymFQSym on permutations and PBTPBT on binary treesPARIS-EST-Université (770839901) / SudocSudocFranceF
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